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Inaugural Meeting of The Land Surface Data Assimilation Community of Practice (LSDA CoP)

As part of the data assimilation cross cutting theme in HydroJULES, Elizabeth Cooper, Sarah Dance and Visweshwaran Ramesh have been building and developing a Land Surface Data Assimilation Community of Practice (LSDA CoP). The purpose of this is to bring the UK LSDA community and stakeholders together to share information, ideas, and best practices. 

Our inaugural meeting was held on 22nd April 2024, attended by 15 researchers, including staff and students from NCEO, the Met Office, University of Reading, and ECMWF (online and in-person).  The attendees heard talks about Met Office and ECMWF LSDA plans, as well as ongoing research from early and mid-career scientists. 

Several of the talks at our first meeting featured observations from UKCEH’s COSMOS-UK network, and based on interest within the group we organised a visit to a COSMOS-UK instrument site for our next meeting. The rain held off on 12th July as participants from the University of Reading, NCEO and the Met Office visited the COSMOS-UK instrument site located within the Chimney Meadows nature reserve in Oxfordshire. We are grateful to Jonathan Evans, COSMOS-UK lead, who gave us an excellent description of the equipment and available measurements, sparking lots of ideas for potential future work.

Our next meeting is planned for the Autumn and will have a hybrid online/in person format. It will have a focus on machine learning methods, and in particular ways that machine learning and data assimilation approaches can be used together. If you would like to know more about our next meeting, or would like to be added to our mailing list for notification of future events then please contact Liz at

The COMOS-UK network is currently supported by the Natural Environment Research Council award number NE/R016429/1 as part of the UK-SCAPE programme delivering National Capability – see COSMOS-UK | ( for more about the network.

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