
Hydro-JULES is a research programme, funded by the UK’s Natural Environment Research Council, to bring together a wide community of modellers, hydrologists and meteorologists to share data, approaches and analysis methods to inform a new generation of hydrological models.  

The Hydro-JULES framework and its associated datasets enable the UK to tackle outstanding research questions in hydrological science and provide a national resource to support research both specific to the Hydro-JULES project and beyond.

Hydro-JULES supports and enables collaborative work across the research and academic community to:

  • address important science questions in the fields of hydrology, land-atmosphere feedbacks, carbon and nutrient cycles, data science and integration with novel instrumentation and Earth observation technologies;
  • quantify the risks of hydro-climatic extremes (e.g., floods and drought) in a changing environment to support long-range planning and policy decisions;
  • improve hydrological forecasting using new sensors and modelling technology.


The Hydro-JULES project covers topics in land-surface science and hydrology including: quantification of hydro-meteorological risks, using high-resolution climate predictions for hydrological applications, calculation the impacts of environmental change on evaporation, transpiration, and soil moisture, modelling flood inundation over large areas, representing anthropogenic interventions in the water cycle, and application of new techniques including Earth observation and data assimilation.

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To find out more about the programme and how you can get involved, contact or sign up to receive our newsletter.