Hydro-JULES Modelling Framework
The Hydro-JULES project is in the process of developing a new Modelling Framework UniFHy, designed to be a python-based community model for the terrestrial water cycle (see [Hallouin et al. in review, https://gmd.copernicus.org/preprints/gmd-2021-419/ ] for all details).
- Link to current repository: https://github.com/unifhy-org/unifhy
- The Hydro-JULES Framework may be run through the UKCEH Datalabs system https://datalab.datalabs.ceh.ac.uk/ (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n68X8J4gj6Q for a demonstration)
- For further information, see the following two videos: n.b. they use "cm4twc" (the Community Model for the Terrestrial Water Cycle), the former name for UniFHy.
- Overview of the Python Package cm4twc: https://youtu.be/XaZ-k2YY4F4
- Video 2: cm4twc demonstration: https://youtu.be/s_93gLk-zh4